Mastiff Mix - 100.00

Updated 1 day ago | Fredericksburg, VA


I found out that my dog is a mastiff mix and did not want to misrepresent so have updated this post. Mastiff Mix 2.5 years old, male, intact, his tail is not docked, very strong but very loving. House broke, should be only dog, does not do well with smaller animals. He does great with woman but seems to be very skiddish around men. I have only had him a week, I should have known better because he is to strong for me and my fence needs replacing so walking him is all I can do. His name is Simba, he chews on his rope and has never tried to damage anything in my house. I don't want to take him to a shelter and no rescues are receiving. I was told he was up to date on shots and I actually set an appointment up with vet to get him checked out. He already took me down when he got excited to see my daughter so I don't know what he would do if he did it and I was alone, I'm 67 and getting back up isn't that simple.

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