1 Year Old Male Pomeranian

Updated 23 hours ago | South Jersey, NJ


My cousin kinda ditched this dog and left it in my care. He was a very expensive dog and it is a certified pure bred pomeranian and he does have papers although I do not have access to them at this moment but imsure I can get my cousin to mail them to you. The dogs name is snow, he is not fixed because she planned to breed him, and he is very pretty but weird around guys for some reason. He is good with cats but idk about other dogs or kids since I just got him. As far as a fee I am asking $250 for adoptionand (yes the price has changed because my gf made it and put the wrong one so I am very sorry). My cousin got him for $600 as a puppy. I will also take more pics and send them to you if you want. (If you contacted me before I changed the price than it will remain the same as it was)

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