Pit/pug Mix Less Then 25 Pounds

Updated 1 day ago | South Jersey, NJ


I have a very spoiled pug/pit mix named Sheldon. He is 3 years old as of may 5th. Less then 25 pounds. Sheldons mom died shortly after giving birth. He is the runt of the litter. I've had him since he was less then a month old. He is potty trained, and knows simple commands. But he has separation anxiety. I was recently in a car accident, and am having problems walking up and down the stairs to take him out. I live on a second floor. Which is why I'm seeking a new family for him. He needs to sleep in bed and very close to someone. He loves cuddling at night. Again, he has been spoiled his hole life, so he will need a lot of love. The ideal candidate will work from home, or be retired. He is also a great watch dog. Please let me know if your interested in meeting him. Thanks

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